Love Yourself Cleanse Challenge

This is a simple and highly effective Course that you can do as a solo self-paced workshop in your own time. I will be supporting you with daily tips by video and document and via an optional private Facebook page. Now we are not talking about a scary strict diet regime that will upset your metabolism and be hard to do. This Cleanse is holistic in approach and done in conjunction with your regular routine and three meals a day for a limited period of time: two weeks.  After this you may incorporate some elements into your normal healthy eating and living, which is sustainable to maintain your good work, vibrant energy levels and positive outlook.

Cleansing your body is a fantastic way to look and feel great, boost your energy levels and detox your immune system and it’s not as hard as you think. Toxins are basically anything not natural to your body systems– smoke, pollution, E additives, unnatural fats, highly processed sugars, colourings and flavourings etc in food. Over years they clog up your body, soak up all your natural energy, age your facial skin and drain away your motivation leaving you feeling down. Sound familiar?

The excellent side effects of detoxing Cleanses are clearer skin, more energy, a flatter abdomen and it can help eradicate cellulite too. This 14 day plan is ideal for women and men. Check with your doctor if you are very overweight, have not exercised for 6 months or have any medical conditions.

This wonderfully effective Course is delivered via this website where you will access the preparation, daily material both written and videos. Sign up for a specific two week period that you choose in this versatile online self-paced Course so you can put into practise all that you will learn.


This Course is for

anyone who is feeling out of balance and yearns to know more about how to achieve holistic healthy ways for mind, body and soul that are sustainable.

This Course offers

you an opportunity to understand and overcome any blockages to being as healthy, particularly any mental (lack of self-esteem) and emotional (comfort eating) habits.

You will learn how

to cleanse your system and reset your food, exercise and healthy lifestyle ways and how to put these practices into action in your daily life.

This is suitable for

anyone with an interest in exploring the reasons for lack of balance and wants to look at ways to deal with it - both the habit and the underlying issue.

The Course material Includes

A shopping list for all you need

An easy-to-do daily schedule

Tips via the Course page on this website

Tried, trusted and sustainable eating methods

Healthy advice from someone who uses these ways daily

Access to the content for 1 month after you sign up

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Sign Up Details

Payment can be paid by Paypal/Stripe via the link below or bank transfer (email us via the Contact Us page for our bank details).

Start Date

Any time you wish to sign up. Make sure you have a clear two weeks to follow the Course fully.


The Course is delivered to you via a private page on this website accessible whenever you wish.


€75.00 which is only €5.00 per day of a wise self-investment for your healthy future.

Book Your Place