My Clinical Practice Approach
Counselling Psychotherapy Experience
I am now retired from my clinical practice however sharing my approach is highly relevant as it informs the Podcasts, Blogs and Courses I offer you. My training is holistic, person centred, inclusive and most importantly empowering.
My clinical practice consisted of two interchangeable types of therapy – Counselling Psychotherapy and Energy Therapy. I now teach others how to offer this blended approach to their clients safely and easily with both my Introduction and Technique trainings.
Energy Therapy Training
This therapy originates from the shamanic way of healing and involves deep energy work with simple meditative-like techniques. I now focus on teaching therapists how to offer this to their clients. There is an initial detailed consultation to discuss any issue clients wish to address and to uncover any blockage they need to breakthrough to move forward with their life. The technique involves visualisation, yoga-like breathing plus a unique combination of self energy and bodywork that is facilitated as they come to a place of insight in a safe and caring space. The discussion afterwards gives clients guidelines to anchor the energy shift in their life effectively. The Energy Therapy Technique I teach may be offered to clients as a stand alone session or integrated within a series of therapy sessions.

The Benefits of Counselling Psychotherapy with the Energy Therapy Technique
Today more and more people understand the palpable effects of talking with a professional trained who listens with respect and non-judgement and who asks pertinent questions to delve into the source of and solution to the issue presented. Now many yearn for a more holistic approach bringing an energetic/spiritual aspect in also. If you are a potential client and/or a therapist, you might be curious as to what happens in a session when combining classical Counselling/Psychotherapy/Clinical Psychology with Energy Therapy practices.
The first session begins with a detailed questionnaire so that a full picture of all the relevant and contributing factors are taken into account. It is really important to make sure that the environment feels safe and that as the client is ready to open up as much or as little as is comfortable the first time. The therapist and client work together to reveal not only the sources of the issue but importantly what is possibly blocking the desired solution. As a trained holistic therapist I teach others to take into account not simply mental and emotional but also physical and energetic/spiritual needs.
Back in the days of Hippocrates, the ‘father of Medicine’ a person was treated from a body, mind and soul perspective no matter their presenting problem. In the time of Descartes, the 16th century French philosopher, there was a split and the body was looked after by the medical fraternity, the mind and emotions were the domain of science and the spiritual was looked after by formal religions. Both from the bottom up (client requests) and top down (therapists recognition) this is changing now to return to integrate all three together again.
Nowadays we have a more cohesive approach to therapy, where there has been a recognition of the wisdom of harnessing the whole being, body, mind and soul as a way to return to full health. My philosophy is to encourage my students to follow their clients lead when offering all of the ways they can work together holistically. The Energy Therapy Technique taps into their spiritual beliefs which may be a formal religion, an ecletic mix or indeed no faith at all. This simple practice is often favoured over all the many techniques my graduates offer as a way to shift deep seated issues quickly and effectively.

Energy Therapy Trainings
Learn with me
Online: Self-Paced (An Introduction to Energy Therapy)
Online: Live (The Energy Therapy Technique training)
Course Queries and Ph: +00 353 (01) 6704905
If you would like me to offer a Talk for your community or workplace, simply contact me at the above email or phone number and I will be delighted to discuss potential topics including those from my popular Podcast series Mind Your Precious Self.
Ways to connect
I have retired from clinical practice but there are many other ways you can work with me from my on demand ‘Mind Your Precious Self’ Talks, my ad hoc Holistic Workshops and also the Energy Therapy Technique Training.